Islamic State Terrorists Execute 250 Women For Refusing Sex Slaves

ISIS-Iraq-AttackKABUL: (MEP) Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group have reportedly executed some 250 women in the Iraqi city of Mosul after they refused to become sex slaves.

Saeed Mamouzini, a spokesman for Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) said the victims had all been ordered to accept “temporary marriages” to militants.

But when they refused the proposal, they were butchered, sometimes along with their families, the British newspaper, the Daily Mail quoted the official as saying.

“At least 250 have so far been executed by ISIS in the city for refusing to accept the practice of sexual war, and sometimes the families of the girls were also executed for rejecting to submit to the request,” he told Iran’s AhlulBayt news agency.

The Takfiri terrorists have been forcing women they capture to become sex slaves as they continue committing crimes against humanity on a large scale in the areas under their control.


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