ISIL Uses Mustard Gas Against Kurdish Troops In Iraq

ISILKABUL: (Middle East Press) A top US military official has confirmed that traces of a chemical agent have been found in mortars used by ISIL against Kurdish fighters in Iraq.

Brigadier General Kevin Killed a chief of staff for American military operations in Iraq and Syria, said on Friday that the terrorist group used sulfur mustard agent.

“That is a presumptive field test and it is not conclusive, and what those results tell us is merely the presence of that chemical. It doesn’t tell us anything more than that,” he told reporters.

The general added that the findings were obtained following preliminary tests on the evidence provided by Kurdish forces.

The attack by the terrorist group took place in Makhmour, Iraq on August 11.

Last week, German Defense Ministry officials announced that Kurdish fighters were attacked with chemical weapons southwest of the city of Erbil.

The chemical weapon, also known as mustard gas, can form large blisters on exposed skin and in the lungs.

The ISIL terrorists are now controlling parts of Iraq and Syria.

They have been carrying out horrific acts of violence such as public decapitations and crucifixions against all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians.

In an interview with Press TV, former CIA contractor Steven Kelley said the US military campaign against the ISIL terrorist group is a “cynical” effort to defeat the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Kelley said if Washington was sincere in its fight against ISIL, it would have confronted Turkey for bombing Kurdish forces, which are one of the most effective groups battling ISIL.


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