ISIL Leader Killed in Helmand Operation

KABUL: (Middle East Press) An operation has been launched in southern Helmand by the Afghan National Army (ANA) forces in which they have apparently killed 10 members of the ISIL with their commander Hafiz Wahidi.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) said in a statement on Monday that the killing was made in Mullahzai village of the unsafe Sangin district, killing 10 alleged ISIL fighters including the commander Wahidi and injuring six others.

The Afghan national forces have also seized a number of armaments and bullets during the operation.

The first self-claimed leader of Daesh in Afghanistan, Raouf also known as Khadem, was killed a few weeks ago in an Afghan air strike in Kajaki district of Helmand.

The exact number of ANA casualties did not release by the Ministry of Defense.


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