ISIL Group Executes Journalist in Iraq’s Mosul

KABUL: (Middle East Press) The Takfiri ISIL militants have executed a journalist in the Iraqi city of Mosul, reports said.

Akram Suleiman, the head of Iraq’s Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate’s branch in Mosul, said that Firas al-Bahri, an expert TV journalist in the city, was executed by the terrorist group on Tuesday, Kurdish newspaper Rudaw reported.

The Takfiri militants claimed that the journalist pledge allegiance to the terrorist group, “but he refused to do so. Finally, they killed him today,” said Suleiman.

According to reports, the journalist had been in the captivity of the terrorist group for almost three weeks before being murdered.

The head of journalists syndicate in Mosul said the Takfiri group has executed at least six other journalists in the city.

“There are 10 other journalists who are held captive by ISIL in an unknown place,” he added.

ISIL started its campaign of terror in Iraq in early June 2014. The heavily-armed militants took control of Mosul before sweeping through parts of the country’s Sunni Arab heartland.


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