Iranian And Afghan Officials Negligence To Solve Problems On Safari Spot

MEP: Safari spot borders Afghanistan and Iran on the border of Dogharoon, does not have any ease facilities and passengers are facing major problems.

Middle East Press findings show that with each rainfall and snowfall on the border between the two countries, travelers cannot easily pass the spot.

Based on these findings, it can be seen that in the days of snowfall and rain, travelers from both sides of the border, when passing must wear either [rain boots] or have to travel the route in a very hard method.

At the same time, problems for women and children are more than men.

In addition to these problems, cold weather should also be added that after crossing the [created] lake in the Safari spot, the passenger’s feet get wet in the rain and need facilities to dry it.

Mohammad Musa, one of the passengers who had returned to Afghanistan after one month of travel, told the Middle East Press, “I do not know which country should build the Safari spot, here is too much trouble.”

According to him, Afghanistan and Iran have much relations on passenger’s property and trade, but none of the two countries think to solve the people’s problems at the spot.

The report comes as Afghanistan is a major market for Iranian goods and the bulk of the production is imported to Afghanistan, but no attention has been paid to solve the problems of passengers.

Manufacture and repair of passengers’ route and creation of facilities are of requirements within the borders of different countries which should be considered by the governments of Afghanistan and Iran to a surge in cross-border commuters can travel easily.


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