Iran Election: Vote Counting Continues After High Turnout

Iran electionKABUL: (MEP) Citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Friday (February 26, 2016) to elect the tenth Parliament of fifth Assembly of Experts went to the polls.

Polling stations from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm across the Islamic Republic of Iran was open to the citizens of this country.

The elections are the first since Tehran agreed with major powers to curb its nuclear program, leading to the removal of most of the stringent international sanctions that have paralyzed the economy over the past decade.

In this election, 54 million and 915 thousand and 27 people were eligible to vote to elect representatives to the Parliament of 4 thousand 844 candidates, 161 people chosen for the Assembly of Experts.

According to the report, 290 of Parliament and the Assembly of Experts has 88 members.

Voting was extended three times as crowds reportedly flocked to polling stations. Turnout was said to be high. Therefore, the polls closed in Iran’s parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections at 23:45 local time (2015 GMT) on Friday to count the votes.

Iran’s Interior Ministry said in a statement that the election staff at each polling station should first count the ballots related to the Assembly of Experts poll and then do the same for the parliamentary election.

A clear outcome may take days to emerge, although conservatives normally perform well in rural areas and young urbanites are seen as favoring more moderate candidates allied to President Hassan Rouhani.


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