Iran and P5+1 Reach Final Agreement in Vienna

iran nuclearKABUL: (Middle East Press) Reuters, quoting an Iranian diplomat said that over a decade of negotiations on Iran’s civilian nuclear program, Iran and the major powers led by the United States reached a final nuclear agreement.

The meeting of the foreign ministries of Iran and the P5+1 were held yesterday (Tuesday July 14) in Vienna and the media diplomatic sources reported that the two sides reached a final agreement.

Reuters reported, “The Iranian diplomat said that Iran and the major powers have reached an agreement on the nuclear program”.

Almost as soon as the agreement was announced, to cheers in Vienna and on the streets of Tehran, its harshest critics said it would ultimately empower Iran rather than limit its capability. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, called it a “historic mistake” that would create a “terrorist nuclear superpower.”

A review of the 109-page text of the agreement, which includes five annexes, showed that the United States preserved — and in some cases extended — the nuclear restrictions it sketched out with Iran in early April in Lausanne, Switzerland.


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