International, Regional Agendas Seek To Weaken Popular Mobilization Forces

Ahmed al-AsadiKABUL: (MEP) Ahmed al-Asadi, spokesman for the Iraqi popular mobilization forces warned of the existence of political agendas trying to weaken the people’s mobilization.

“The international and regional political agendas with the support from the political parties inside Iraq, which does not hide its hostility towards the popular mobilization forces, are trying to weaken the people’s mobilization and to diminish its role,” al-Asadi said in a press conference.

Al-Asadi pointed to the reliance of the popular mobilization forces on the Iraqi people’s will, adding, “The popular mobilization forces would stand in front of all these attempts and will prevent them from achieving their goals in political interests of foreign countries”.

On the other hand, Hadi al-Amiri the secretary general of the Badr Organization stressed on thwarting a plot by the people’s mobilization nearly overthrew Gulf States.

Al-Amiri said in television interview, “our presence with brothers in the people’s mobilization came within the call of al-Marja’iyah (the Shiite scholars) in the country to defend Islam, Islamic holy sites and stability in Iraq.”

“The popular mobilization forces thwart plots hatched against the Gulf States and tried to destroy them,” Al-Ameri added.

Al-Amiri criticized the media campaign against the people’s mobilization, saying that opponents of the popular mobilization units’ operations are ignorant whom do not know the fact about the people’s mobilization and the importance of battles between them and ISIS terrorists.

following the crushing victories of Iraqi security apparatus— supported by Iraqi mobilization units and Sunni tribes— and the heavy losses inflicted on terrorists , the remnants of former Ba’athi regime and media outlets in Saudi Arabia and Qatar embarked a vicious campaign against the Iraqi mobilization units fighting the terrorism.

Observers consider the accusations promoted by the media affiliated to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, prepared in advance accusations had been waiting for the right time to launch in concomitant with the victories achieved by the Iraqi popular forces along with purging Tikrit and the cities in Salahuddin and Diyala.

In the meantime that the popular mobilization forces established in June 2014 after ISIS terrorists advancement towards Sunni-majority provinces with the cooperation of its political wings and figures such as Iyad Allawi and The two al-Nujaifi brothers and other KSA, Qatar and Turkey affiliated movements.


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