Human Rights Watch: Saudis Take Justice Into Ridicule

Saudi_court_102913MEP: Following international criticism of the judicial system in Saudi Arabia, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that the trial of 32 people accused of spying for Iran, is “a mockery of justice”.

A statement by HRW released saying lawyers cannot meet with their clients and one of the charges, is “the spread of Shi’ism”.

The trail of 32 men on charges of alleged espionage in Iran for Saudi Arabia, the process has violated the basic rights of the accused, the statement added.

According to the statement, after about three years and two months of detention and investigation hearings, the Saudi authorities did not provide documents for lawyers to defend their defendants. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for 25 of the 32 accused.

The men are accused of spying for Iran, but the charge sheet contains numerous accusations that it is not recognized as crimes such as “support of the protests”, “damaging the image of the kingdom”, and “trying to spread Shi’ism”, the statement noted adding that Criminal trial of the Special Court in Riyadh has been started since February 2016.

Meanwhile, Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said the court is another stain on the prejudiced of Saudi’s judicial system.

According to Human Rights Watch, among these 32 men, 30 are Saudi nationals, one Iranian and and the last one is Afghan citizen. All of them are accused of spying.







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