Hidden Layers Of Millions Of Immigration To The West

The review of massive immigration and millions of displaced Muslims in the west; from secret angles that did not come to public

Perhaps the thickest human rights cases from the beginning of the twenty-first century until now, the phenomenon of migration, refugees, mostly Muslim countries to Europe’s South and West Asia and North Africa in all aspects of the process that must be fulfilled in favor of the West: Use of young, cheap and training for major multinational companies, the refugee population under eighteen years to repair gaps in countries that have low reproduction rate; armed extremists entering the European countries and the use of their time and place the burden of responsibility on the shoulders of Muslims and at the end of re-recruitment to fight in their own countries in Asia.

Local protests in Syria since Hafez al-Assad’s natural stage of embryonic beginning with the one-party system is more powerful than thirty-five years of international strategy largely undisputed leader in Syria and was east oriented, and personally on his confrontational approach with the United States, known for particular between the Arabs and the place where Bill Clinton pens his memoirs that he feared including those “political thought” was Hafez al-Assad; Assad’s military and intelligence management was absolutely in his day, tens of security institutions after his leadership, foundation and groundwork was prepared so that the Syrian people’s satisfaction with full-to pick his son Bashar al-Assad, however, among all these mechanisms in a small political minority, there have been people who were waiting for an opportunity to weaken Assad to small excuses but frequent and successive, to carry out impressive activities that “Arabic Revolution” opened the opportunity for them.

Arabic Revolution in all Arabia countries was marked for three major projects

Arabic Revolution in all Arabic countries were managed, was the best prospect for three major projects:

1. Political subversion management for new obedient actors coming to power in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya …

2. Military overthrow: weakened, fragmented and employment or the assassination of the countries’ army generals.

3. Economic use: arranging the macro-business contracts by new ones who come to work for giant corporations and multinationals West, including arms deals and arms sales

West Asia for the United States of America was of the utmost importance. Iraq, Syria and Libya (Africa) with the New Communist regimes;

Assad’s family, Gaddafi’s family and Saddam’s family in the three friendly countries and their passivity from Moscow had maintained since the Pentagon for the suppression and degradation of these in the first place had its reason which is clear. America’s mainstream media twice in succession, announced Putin as the most powerful man in the world; NATO was not interested in the new season of the three countries that are strategic in their political world in fifty years ahead, in defiance of Moscow circle; therefore rationalize the management of the war in the three countries.

Program for fifty years of war, marked

The large map of the war, is in fact in the entire world. NATO was working for Excellence in Shanghai with serious determination and Washington for supremacy over all! Most Syrian war left homeless in the world.

Statistics refugees in the Muslim countries of West Asia and North Africa was a universal reputation. International Organization for Migration rules in the media every day, was heard in the audience of global villagers and the shocking news of the quantity and quality of human deplorable was transmitted to the west by announcing unexpected of accepting and helping the migrants and refugees as well as making prepared its borders to begin the migration and referring to the European Union, the Chancellor Angela Merkel said, “Those who come to us are Muslims, they do not go to Mecca and Medina and seek help from us, therefore we must help them.”

Merkel, addressing the Europe Union said those who come to us are Muslims, they do not go to Mecca and Medina and have come to us to help them!

The number of immigrants to Europe exceeded one million

This was the statistic that was recently announced by International Organization for Migration. Trafficking mafia was formed and the embassies of several countries were involved in the macro-financial project including the Turkish Embassy in Afghanistan by virtue of their visa had coherent plan and sometimes special meetings held in Ankara that the outcome of hundreds of millions of dollars were from the pockets of innocent unemployment who were intrigued and charmed empty discourse comfort, security and were working in the West.

Escape of master-minds from the capital of the Islamic countries due to the lack of jobs, insecurity and low rates of hope to the future of their country.

Another aspect plight of forced emigration was that more strongly of refugees and displaced ones to the West are the ready troops for an intermediate level of business awareness, means the migration of migration was not within the country that immigrants from rural communities and metropolitan centers that they need to become citizens in time and spend a lot of expensive educational facilities; But this migration to Europe, including the escape of master-minds from the capital of the Islamic countries due to the lack of jobs, insecurity and low rate of the country was optimistic about future and we actually, sent our work force to the West.

Now the situation has become more complicated

Those who called themselves the savior of the humanitarian crisis in war-torn countries and announced their countries beyond Mecca and Medina, is not seeing themselves not getting accepted as refugees and by undertaking the incentive programs and psychological migration project will enter a new phase. After accepting thousands of refugees, hundreds of thousands of others who were assessed according to the plan, they would either return to their countries or go to Turkey, where they will face a new ten-year plan.

Turkey recently received the amount of three billion dollars from Europe to “keep” refugees in its territory and the factors can be psychological warfare in the world to sequence the bombings in the European countries including three major attacks that took place in Brussels, means by bringing insecurity in Syria, Libya and Afghanistan and the promise of assistance to displaced of hundreds of thousands of Muslims into Europe’s borders and after being successful in one-of-third of story, sent them back to the East with making European country insecurity and the promise of help in Turkey!

All this happened while the West and South Asia by the end of the hundred-year contracts, such as Durand Afghanistan – Pakistan and Sykes – Picot Kurdistan, bargaining between Great Britain, the United States, France and Russia have been high and the battle for a new Middle East or the New Order the new world order from Cold War, entered Warm War and frankly this is Shanghai on Russia’s leadership in its region of Asia with emerging powers such as China, India and Iran is not interested in mapping new NATO means, the formation and disintegration of Iraqi Kurdistan and Syria federal building. Although until now in the whole story, “Middle East conflict” is the United States that initiative plan in most areas of implementation which means weakening the strong the surrounding Israeli army and disintegration of the countries and formation of ethnic, religious seigniors as well as arranging the cycle of money involved for the Pentagon and for all the question of the war zone and at the end of a labor force ready and fresh….however, we must see the alliance with Shanghai Crescent resistance to the Iranian leadership so that in Syria, Iraq and some in Afghanistan in “quick preventive programs” were, would be  the real agent in their area? Do they have a comprehensive program for hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees in the West?

By Yasser Mohseni / writer and researcher

Kabul, Afghanistan


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