Hezbollah Slams Terrorist Attacks In Turkey, Iraq

images (2)KABUL: (MEP) Sayed Hassan nasrullah condemned the continuous terrorist attacks which struke the Arab and Muslim cities and claimed dozens of innocent victims on Tuesday, the latest of which targeted Istanbul and Baghdad.

In a statement, the party offered comforts to the victims’ families, hoping speedy recovery for the injured.

The statement considered that terrorism which strikes everywhere without limitations requires that all the states, organizations and members cooperate to challenge its risk as it threatens the whole world, not a specific group.

Hezbollah added that challenging terrorism requires directing all the efforts towards destroying it, instead of causing side crises which scramble this endeavor and allow the terrorist groups to expand.

They further stated that fighting terrorism cannot be through denouncing who confronts it in Syria, “while who deserves condemnation is who funds and supports the terrorist groups militarily and politically and, consequently holds, the direct and indirect responsibility for its heinous acts.”



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