Hamid Karzai Foundation Initiated

Hamid KarzaiKABUL: (Middle East Press) Hamid Karzai, former president of Afghanistan has initiated a welfare foundation with the objective of supporting higher education for young people of Afghanistan in Kabul on Saturday.

“The 30 years of war which has internal and external reasons not only prevented Afghanistan’s development but also pushed it back, said ‘Karzai’ during the opening ceremony adding that, the country needs efforts of young generation to get in the line with developed world countries.”

He noted that the foundation was not established for political purposes but to help the destitute young Afghans to carry on their higher studies.

Karzai linked the current problems of Afghanistan to a lack of opportunities for youth’s higher studies.

The chief executive of the foundation Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta in his opening remarks said that the aim of the foundation is to facilitate the poor but talented youth to get higher education at home or abroad.

He made a call on national businessmen and those who are able to help for extending hand to Hamid Karzai Foundation.


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