H1N1 Flu Kills 22 in Iran’s Kerman

01CC187EF46A45386EF4D0F337EC5C6F4B-main-article-6224KABUL: (MEP) Some 22 people have lost their lives after contracting the H1N1 flu virus in Iran’s southeastern province of Kerman, Iranian Health Minister, Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi said.

Some 16 people died from the influenza in Kerman, meanwhile the virus claimed six lives in Sistan and Baluchestan province, Hashemi said, state IRINN TV reported.

The announcement was made late on Sunday, with most of the deceased had underlying chronic diseases before becoming infected.

The deputy of Iran’s center for contagious diseases, Mahmoud Nabavi, was quoted by the Fars News Agency as saying that reports about the virus are not “abnormal” as cases of flu infection increase at this time of the year.

Each year, influenza takes the lives of several people in Iran, so that we can say this has become a matter of routine.


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