Golan Heights Paraglider Puts The Entire Israeli Military On Alert

139304011526012043059654KABUL: (MEP) The incident involving the Israeli who paraglided into Syria from the Golan Heights and put the entire Israeli military on alert was later discovered to be much less worrying than earlier imagined.

The Arab Israeli, a resident of Jaljulya, succeeded in crossing the border into Syria easily despite tight controls and Israel’s Iron Dome system. The incident caused Israel Air Force planes and intelligence forces to be scrambled since countering with mass flying of soldiers from Lebanon and Syria to Israel was unforeseen to defense system.

While hundreds of thousands of Israelis and tourists visit the Golan Heights every year, one paraglider from the Golan Heights put the entire Israeli military on alert and challenged the regional security and undermined security throughout Israel. Military observers in the Golan border crossing reported that they witnessed several times people were paragliding and hang gliding and entered Syria and vice versa. After the incident, boundary wall is put on alert and specific instructions have been issued to deal with this issue.


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