Gender Discrimination In Saudi Arabia

discrimination-in-Saudi-ArabiaMEP: Basically, Women in Saudi Arabia don’t have any human rights. By looking to the following rules, we can realize the social status of women in this country. While the Saudi government in keeping with Wahhabi mufti gives the lowest Concessions to women’s rights and status.

Until 2001, Women didn’t have any independent identity papers and their names were registered in father’s and husband’s identity papers. The issuance of IDs for women requires the permission of a male guardian.

In March 2016, in Saudi Arabia an educational institution held courses under the title “Are women human beings?” whilst there is no rules for supporting women in the family and society.

Women prohibited the right to equality before the law and Guardianship system deprives women of deciding about their own life.

Women and men in Saudi Arabia do not have equal rights in education.

Women in Saudi Arabia are not equal in terms of rights and administrative rating in workplace, although women are as educated and as experienced as men are.

In extent of gender segregation, Women are not allowed to have any kind of meeting with strangers. For example; Men don’t have the right to enter girls’ schools even in emergency situations. On March 11, 2002, In Mecca, 15 female students were killed because Saudi religious police prevented firefighters to enter school at combustion.

In extent of guardianship, Women cannot live without a male guardian. Saudi Arabia is the only country that Women don’t have permission to leave home and go shopping without a male relative. Also Women are not allowed to travel without a male relative.

Women cannot open a bank account without permission of their husband or guardian.

Women are not able to buy or sell vehicles or property.

Women don’t have the right to go to the police or court for filing complaint without their male guardian.

Because of guardianship system, women Health rights are being jeopardized. In most hospitals, women’s admission, discharge and even emergency services are not allowed without the permission of their guardians. Women can vote in the country’s only election, municipal elections, if their guardian pleases with their participation and takes them to the polling booth.

Women are facing with distinction in the education right caused by guardianship. Without the permission of a male guardian, Women cannot educate and study higher education. Commuting to university for girl student must be accompanied by their guardian. Male teachers are not allowed to enter girls’ classes.

For having a male guardian, many girls forced to married for scholarships and study abroad.

Divorced women in Saudi Arabia do not have any rights in children custody and alimony. Without the permission of a male guardian, they cannot even enroll their children in school.


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