Former French PM: Legion of Honour Medal Grant To Crown Prince of Saudi At The Request Of Saudis And Take On Mortgage

françois-fillonMEP: Mr. François Fillon, Former French prime minister, with text publication in his personal page in social networks, meanwhile the criticism of foreign policy of Hollande’s government in unreasonable increase relations with Saudi Arabia, revealed an important secret in connection with grant the highest French governmental medal to Saudi Crown Prince.

Fillon wrote:” Hollande’s Socialist government overcoming economic problems knows in increasing relations with Gulf countries especially Saudi Arabia; Therefore, for the realization of Arab investment and also ratification of heavy arms sales contracts, instead remains silent about Saudi domestic problems and its policies in the Middle East and even has to support and companionship.

This issue is opposite to the principles and values of France.

Hollande sacrificed France’s foreign policy to Saudi petrodollars, so that the French government not only forgot democratic concerns and human rights regarding to Saudi Arabia but also has to its credibility and internal values spend on the relations with the Saudis.

If lately, the French government couldn’t resist against the request and insistence of Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Nayef , to get the Legion of Honour Medal. Saudi Crown Prince have determined that reception of the medal is condition for the continuation of $ 3 billion contract of the purchase of arms from France, the Contract which was signed between Saudi Arabia and France to arm the Lebanese Army last year and the Saudis recently announced the cancellation of giving weapons to Lebanon, But in Mohammed bin Nayef travel to France and after granting the Legion of Honour Medal to him, It was announced that the contract remains and Weapons purchased will be delivered to the Saudi army.”


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