Famous Jordanian Writer Was Imprisoned for Criticizing Saudi Arabia’s Anti-Arab Policies
KABUL: (Middle East Press) Following Jamal Ayoub’s severe attack on Saudi Arabia’s policies in the region, the Jordanian authorities have detained him.
Jamal Ayoub, the Jordanian writer and famous rights activist, in his article pointed that the Arab-Israeli conflict has changed to the Arab-Arab conflict and stated: “Arab- Arab conflict is based on false & weak basis and aims to achieve political gains and religious domination.”
“Saudi aggression in Yemen is the same as Israeli attack on Gaza & Lebanon as well as Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran in 1980”, he added.
Jamal Ayoub in continue said Saudi Arabia abuses its financial & arms aid to Iraq in the war against Iran after the American invasion of Iraq.
“Saudi Arabia used Wahhabi ideology in Iraq to stimulate tribes against Iran and that’s why Iran played a strong role in supporting the new government in Iraq. Iran’s support for all oppressed groups not different the Shiite such as Hezbollah, and Sunni groups like Palestinian groups further provoked Saudi’s anger. So in this country and other Gulf countries they were cruel towards the Shiites and they expressed a desire to establish closer relations with Israel.
The Jordanian prominent political activist referred to the revolution of the people in Bahrain and Ansarulla in Yemen. He considers the main cause of the situation in these countries is the result of Saudi actions with the pretext that the movement of people in both countries is the dummy revolution guided by Iran.
“The policy of Saudi Arabia in the region and its friendship with Israel and in contrary Iran’s support for oppressed groups in the region caused Iran’s popularity in the Arab world.”
He also added that Saudi purpose of war against Yemen is not Ansarullah but its fear from Iran.