Taliban Explosion Targets NATO Convoy in Kabul

12092261_949956105078254_1343057850_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) UPDATE: A suicide bomber carrying vehicle of explosives has targeted a convoy of US-led NATO troops in capital Kabul on Sunday morning.

The incident occurred close to a market when a Taliban bomber targeted the convoy that was passing through the ‘Joy Sher’ area during rush hour.

Kabul police confirmed that the target of the suicide bomber was NATO forces.

“The explosion took place in the Joy Sher area of Kabul city. It was a suicide attack targeting a foreign forces convoy,” Kabul police spokesman Ebadullah Karimi told AFP.

Karimi also said “three civilians were injured following the blast, two NATO vehicles were damaged; however, no casualties were inflicted on NATO troops.”

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack.



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