‘Erdogan Is Dead’

ErdoganMEP: In previous statements on “Quality Post” news website in reference to the recent agreement between Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Turkish President and Israel, in a press conference after the disaster of Mavi Marmara he said “no agreement will be concluded with Israel as long as I live,”.

Meanwhile the phrase “Erdogan is dead “made headlines all over news sites including “Quality Post”. Turkish MP and head of GHP party, Kalcidar Oglu, during his party demonstration last Friday raised significant and thought-provoking questions:

What proof Erdogan has that Mavi Marmara chartered forces withdraw from the ship at the last moments? Why AKP state party Members of parliament abandoned the ship half-way and returned (between the coasts of Turkey and Cyprus), who were supposed to accompany Mavi Marmara until arrival to Gaza?

If Erdogan knew of the possibility of attacking the ship and killing anti-Israel activists for certain political purposes, then we should not only be concerned about the Palestinian people in Gaza, but about the oppressed Turkish people as well.


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