Emma Morano, World’s Oldest Person Celebrates 117th Birthday

MEP: As the only living person born in the 1800s, Emma Morano, the oldest woman making her the world’s oldest person alive, celebrated her 117th birthday.

Morano, from Verbania in Northern Italy, claims the secret to her longevity is eating “two eggs a day, and that’s it. And cookies. But I do not eat much, because I have no teeth,” she told AFP.

She celebrated her milestone with friends, neighbors and her doctor.

Morano says her life hasn’t been so nice. She worked in a factory, lost a son shortly after birth, and was one of the first people in her town to divorce an abusive husband.

Ms Morano, the oldest of eight siblings, all of whom she has outlived, was born on 29 November 1899 in the Piedmont region of Italy.

Morano said she will not eat birthday cake, as the last time she did she became ill, and she is unlikely to attend a celebration of her life in a local theater titled, “The woman who saw three centuries.”

Instead, Morano, who has been bed-bound for a year, will receive guests in her home including relatives and Verbania Mayor Silvia Marchionini.

As an homage to Morano’s extraordinary life, there will be a musical performance telling the story of her life, which according to the play’s writers, “represents the feminine courage which rebelled against domestic violence.”



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