Direct Talks Between Afghan Gov And Taliban To Take Place In March

018986789_30300KABUL: (MEP) The first round of direct peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban group were decided to take place in Pakistan’s Islamabad by March after the fourth meeting of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) between Afghanistan, Pakistan, the United States and China on the Afghan peace and reconciliation process was held in Kabul on Tuesday.

Pakistan has graciously offered to host the first round of direct peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban groups, according to a joint statement by QCG.

Tuesday’s four-way talks in Kabul came against a backdrop of continuing violence and increasing military pressure from the Taliban militant group.

The group also reviewed progress in the implementation of the roadmap for the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process.

The QCG also welcomed the decision by Afghanistan and Pakistan to constitute a bilateral joint working group to work with religious scholars from Afghanistan and Pakistan for their support to the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process, including through Fatwas against the ongoing senseless violence.

Pakistan hosted a first round of peace talks between Taliban and Afghan leaders in July 2015. The talks were halted after the militants belatedly announced the death of their longtime leader Mullah Omar.



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