Death Penalty Back To The Turkish Constitution

MEP: Binali Yildirim, Prime Minister of Turkey, stated: “Changes in constitution will be the last strike to the center of traitors who don’t have any place in Turkish democracy anymore.”

“We have reached to the final stage of drafting constitution and presented to the Parliament. We consider introduction of death penalty after discussing with National Movement. It’s all up to Parliament to decide,” he added.

“Leader of the Opposition wants to waste the sprite of Yenikapi, gathering of million people in support of democracy. I am grateful that National Movement party has changed its stance. In this regard I appreciate Devlet Bahceli, the head of the Nationalist Movement Party, for being sensitive and caring about Turkey’s national interests,” Yildirim said.

“The execution is related to the constitution and constitution is something that we agreed on. If the political parties come to an agreement in this case we could adjust people’s demand. We will consider Mr. Bahceli’s proposals as well,” he added.

Yildirim talked about investing editors and writers of Cumhuriyet Newspaper: “One of the members of Europe parliament told the detention of these journalists is their red line. We do not pay attention to your line. Our red line will be determined by our nation. What is your verdict? We draw a line over your red line. Do not interfere on these issues!”

Devlet Bahceli, The head of Nationalist Movement Party, made the remarks about backing the death penalty to the Turkish constitution at the weekly meeting of the party: “If the death sentence is needed and our people demand it, so there is no need to excuse. If the AKP is ready to support the idea, we as the Nationalist Movement Party are ready too.”

“Recep Tayyip Erdogan also supports the death penalty back to the Turkish constitution. The President stated that if this law passes in Parliament, he will approve it himself,” he added.

Bahceli said it is the Turkish people who want the death penalty back. We shouldn’t ignore people’s demand.

The head of Nationalist Movement Party stated: “European Union Commissars who appealed the sentence do their own work. For us, Turkish nation is the only reference. Turkey is governed from Ankara not from Brussels.”


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