Deadly Explosion In Ankara Kills 28, Erdogan Vows Revenge

18fc24d80d0962e3e99c5873794f56c0KABUL: (MEP) At least 28 people have been killed and more than 60 others wounded in a deadly explosion in the Turkish capital of Ankara on Wednesday evening, officials said.

The blast took place after a vehicle packed with explosives targeted a military vehicle in an area close to parliament and Turkey’s military headquarters.

Turkey’s semiofficial Anadolu news agency reported, citing Ankara Gov. Mehmet Kiliclar. The vehicles were stopped at a traffic light, the military said.

The death toll rose steadily on Wednesday night, with those wounded in the blast sent to hospitals across the city.

Large plumes of smoke were seen rising from the area and witnesses said the blast was heard all over the city.

‘Erdogan vows revenge for the blast’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed revenge against those responsible for the deadly attack.

“Our determination to respond in kind to attacks taking place inside and outside our borders is getting stronger with such acts,” Erdogan said in a statement issued after the blast on Wednesday.

“We will continue our fight against the pawns that carry out such attacks, which know no moral or humanitarian bounds, and the forces behind them with more determination every day,” he added.

In addition, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg issued a statement offering his condolences to the families of the victims of the car bombing.





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