Daesh Shoot Dead 19 Of Own Members In Fallujah

isil-executes-own-commandersMEP: The terror group Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) has reportedly executed 19 members of its own for allegedly escaping the battlefields in the neighborhoods of al-Shuhada and al-Nasaf.

A security source in condition of anonymity told Iraq’s al-Sumaria news website on Sunday that the terrorists were supposed to face off with Iraqi security forces in the city of Fallujah.

The terrorists were shot in the head in a square in the center of Fallujah, according to the source.

The liberation operations for Fallujah has been launched on May 22, after the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi made the announcement.

The strategic city has been under Daesh control since 2014.

More than 100 civilians and Iraqi forces have been killed so far in the operations, according to Al Jazeera.

However, the terror group also faced major defeats by Iraqi forces in the clashes.


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