CSTO Concerns over ISIS Presence in Afghanistan

CSTO-Collective-Security-Council-meetingKABUL: (Middle East Press) Heads of member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) yesterday during a conference in Moscow announced the increasing of insecurity at the borders of Afghanistan and a serious threat to the countries of Central Asia.

They said, huge threats from the borders of Afghanistan are realized to the countries of the CSTO.

Rise of Taliban activities in some northern provinces of the country such as Kunduz, Faryab and Sar-e-Pul has raised serious concerns of neighboring countries.

Earlier, Tajikistan had announced that around 60 percent of the country’s border with Afghanistan, are include terrorists presence.

CSTO issued a statement, ISIS presence in Afghanistan has increased and the number of the group is estimated between two thousands to three thousands.

ISIS presence in the country, has also raised citizens’ concerns and the government officials.

Government of National Unity and regional leaders have repeatedly urged countries to fight this group, equip and support the security forces.


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