Campbell: U.S. Airstrikes Should Be Resumed Against Taliban

018271971_30300KABUL: (MEP) Former commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan spoke with America’s defense minister about the security situation in Afghanistan.

General John Campbell, the former commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan at a meeting with Ashton Carter, America’s defense minister, offered to change the strategy of US forces stationed in Afghanistan.

“The pentagon must change the “not targeting” of Taliban insurgents’ policy in Afghanistan and attack them through the US airstrikes” Campbell told Carter during the meeting.

The proposal of the former commander of US and NATO in Afghanistan, indicates the gap between military leaders to fight violence in Afghanistan, Washington Post reported.

US military forces in Afghanistan are only tasked to advice, assist and train the Afghan security forces as well as attacking the Haqqani network group and al-Qaeda and Taliban who are considered as direct threat.

About 9,800 US troops are in stationed Afghanistan and based on a predetermined schedule, the number of military is due to reduce to 5,500 at the end of the current year.


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