Bin Sultan Daughter Excluded From Brazil Rio Olympics

MEP: The Brazilian Institutional Security Cabinet Chief Minister Sergio Etchegoyen said during the Cabinet meeting on Saturday (Agu.6) that they are considering measures to prevent some delegate members of the ‘notorious’ countries to enter Brazil.

In response to a question asked by the Agenica Brazil’s correspondent about the visit of Saudi prince Bandar bin Sultan’s daughter princess Reema bin Bandar al-Saud who recently was appointed as Saudi Arabia’s Head of the female section of the General Authority for Sports to Brazil the top official said: “My friends at the Federal Police are doing their best ensure the security of country during the Olympics games. They are highly alert to the presence of some notorious countries’ delegate members in sports officials’ clothing.”

“We just learned that the Saudi princess has come with the Saudi Olympic delegate. We ordered she be out from the country as soon as possible. Actions must be taken to prevent such people from entering the country at the early stages,” added the minister.

Bandar bin Sultan was the Saudi ambassador to the US during the 9/11 terrorist attacks and he and his wife are said to be the main supporters of the terrorist attackers according to the released ’28 pages’ document. Also he was mainly responsible in creating the Takfiri Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group according the WikiLeaks documents.


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