Barzani’s Efforts To Declare Monarchy In Kurdistan Region

KABUL: (Middle East Press) According to the Kurdistan Region’s laws, President of the Kurdistan Region is elected for four years with the approval of Parliament and one is only allowed to stay in office for two terms.

Barzani’s second term expired in June 2013. However, a political consensus between the two major parties, Kurdistan Democratic Party, KDP, and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, PUK, extended his presidency for two more years without an election and his term will expire in August 2015.

According to informed sources Massoud Barzani shows no intention to step down and obliged the members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq, particularly Fazil Mirani, secretary of KDP Political Bureau to employ any means either bribery or threaten to gain the support of other groups to agree with his lifelong government.

In this case, an absolute monarchy will be created in Kurdistan Region and there won’t be any need to hold parliamentary elections there.

In contrast the PUK and the Goran, the Change Movement, rejected extending Barzani’s presidency and called for regime change to parliamentary and also amending the constitution.

Also the PKK had strong positions against Barzani during the past days, which expresses the PKK’s concern over Barzani’s secret deal with Turkey.

It is said in case of Turkey’s agreement and its continuation support for the illegal government of Barezani, he will give Turkey concessions to disarm the PKK.


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