Bahrain Executes Three Citizens Despite Widespread Protests

MEP: Three anti-regime Shia activists have been executed on Sunday morning by the Kingdom over their alleged role in a 2014 bomb attack, despite widespread protests against the death verdicts, the country’s authorizes said.

“SPA news” news agency announced in a breaking news that three Bahrainis who were accused and convicted of killing a police were executed with bullets.

The rallies began on Saturday and lasted into Sunday, when the outraged public marched across the capital Manama and the northeastern villages of Nuwaidrat and al-Dair after the morning prayers, the London-based Bahraini opposition television network Lualua reported.

Earlier Al-Manar TV reported that the King of Bahrain has signed the execution of three political prisoners.

Al-Khalifa regime claims that the people were involved in a bombing in a village near Manama in 2014. Saying that a number of police forces have been killed, including one UAE policeman.


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