Attack At Kandahar Airport Ends After 20-Hour

afghan-security-forcesKABUL: (MEP) The attack by Taliban militants at school and houses in southern Kandahar province has ended after 20 hours clashes, local officials said Wednesday.

The clash begun on Tuesday night after militants stormed a school and houses near the Kandahar Airport compound and started firing on a military compound in the area.

They also confirmed 37 people were killed and 25 wounded.

All 14 militants were also killed in the attack with security forces.

The militants dressed in military uniforms, had been equipped with light and heavy weaponry, said officials.

The Ministry of Interior said Wednesday in a statement that the group of armed insurgents carried out the attack on a residential area near Kandahar Airport which included a school and market.

According to them, the ANA was immediately deployed to the area to bring the situation under control.

“ANA forces encountered the insurgents courageously near the airport and they cautiously conducted the operations in the area so not to cause any casualties to civilians,” read the statement.



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