Assassination Attempt On Sabrine Resistance Movement Leader In The Gaza Strip

979854_226KABUL: (Middle East Press) On the sidelines of the recent protests in Gaza, Hisham Salem, leader of The Saberin Resistance Movement survived the assassination bid when an unidentified person stabbed a knife at his neck on 9th October this year.

According to the report, while Hisham was along with his teenage son in East Shejaiya near crossing “Nahal Oz” at the Israel Gaza border someone attempted to assassinate him. After this incident, he went into coma and the people in the region transferred him to Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital. Then he was transferred to another hospital for surgery.

Following the incident, authorities of various groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad visited him in the hospital.

Based on the evidence obtained, the incident was carried out by mercenaries who are affiliated to Gaza Salafi group. The report suggests that clues from perpetrator or perpetrators of this incident have been achieved.

Saberin resistance movement leader was repeatedly threatened by Salafi & Takfiri groups in Gaza Strip. Few months ago a bomb was planted near his house which was defused by Hamas security elements well before time of explosion.


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