Armed Taliban Buy American Military Equipement

MEP: John Spokeo, US Bureau Chief of Afghanistan Reconstruction released a report recently saying the armed Taliban are buying the American military equipment of Afghan security forces.

The report said that more than 36 percent of districts in Afghanistan are controlled by the armed Taliban.

America Audit Office for Afghanistan Reconstruction has stressed that Afghan forces in late 2016, have had 63 percent of the whole country that the figure dropped 9 percent compared to the end of 2015.

Spokeo noted that the armed Taliban are buying American equipment of Afghan security forces.

The report added although Afghan security forces casualties increased in 2016 and the US government has spent more than 64 billion dollars for Afghan security forces, but these forces are not capable of securing their country.

After 16 years of efforts of government, corruption is still considered the most serious challenges in Afghanistan and US money taxpayers by paying salaries and still fancied in Afghanistan is wasted, the report further added.

The report pointed to the US budget of 115 billion dollars in Afghanistan, said that the situation does not improve.


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