Arab Princes’ Scandals In Pakistan

MEP: According to dawn news agency a team of hunters from Abu Dhabi, led by Prince Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, came under a gun attack by a group of men in the Gichk area of Panjgur on Monday because of hunting houbara bird.

In this attack two vehicles of the convoy were totally damaged.

A spokesman for the banned Balochistan Liberation Front claimed responsibility of the attack.

The Pakistan government issued a permit allowing Arab princes to hunt an endangered bird in the country. The federal foreign ministry has issued a special hunting permit to a member of the Qatari royal family to hunt the migratory bird in Dera Ismail Khan District of KP during the hunting season 2016-2017.

The Dawn news agency reported that Qatari prince has been allowed to hunt down up to 100 migratory birds during a 10-day hunting safari in Jhang and Bhakhar districts of Punjab province in the 2016-17 winter hunting season. Hunting has continued for years despite anger by conservationists in Pakistan and across the world.

This is not the first time that a special hunting permit has been issued but the timing has attracted attention in Pakistan. Local farmer opposed to the presence of Arab princes in the area and after a few days it became clear that the Arab princes under the pretext of hunting having their secret activities like smuggling drugs and sex trafficking.

The latest news about Qatari royal scandals which have been widely reflected in media caused them to leave Pakistan. Daily Pakistan reported that 16 members of the Qatari royal family left Pakistan through Faisalabad airport.


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