Arab Coalition leaders’ Paradoxical Statements Back To The Media Once Again

3KABUL: (MEP) Despite what the Arabic coalition forces spokesman Brig Ahmed Asiri stated regarding Hadi’s request to start the Saudi military intervention in Yemen, former Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said he was surprised of the launching the Saudi-led Arabic coalition military operation in Yemen as he was leaving the country after the arrival of Ansar Allah movement forces to Aden.

 Hadi said in a television interview with Abu Dhabi TV “they arrived to the airport and cut off the road on us and we came out in different ways and they were confused.

We got to the town of al-Ghaydah in the morning and they told us that the decisive storm had begun. So I wondered, Is this reasonable? Because Americans told me we won’t let anyone intervene.


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