Algeria’s Minister Of Religious Affairs Reaction To Statements Of Saudi Mufti

Bouabdellah-GhlamallahMEP: According to APS Al-Shorouk, the former Algerian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Bouabdellah Ghlamallah, has indicated to the negative role of Saudi Arabia in the Algerian liberation movement and in its civil war in the nineties of the past decade, where history has shown that the Saudi approach has always been in the interest of Israel and America and against the anti-colonial resistance movements.

This reaction came in response to Saudi Arabia’s Al-Sheikh’s recent statements that considered the Algerian revolution as a revolution against religion and atheist.

What is worth to mention is that during the Algerian civil war in the nineties of the past decade, all reports issued by security institutions in 1994 indicate to the influential role of fatwas Ibn Uthaymeen, who died in 2001 and was considered as one of the senior Mufti of Saudi Arabia, which led to the fatal of hundreds of civilians killed by Antar Al-zawabri and other Jihadi Salafi armed groups, like GIA group led by Jamal Zitouni.


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