AISA Department Canceled: Report

12968029_969841369758772_2010973100115315489_oKABUL: (MEP) Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) has been abolished and merged with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, according to the Supreme Economic Council.

The decision was made on Tuesday evening in front of the President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani during a meeting.

However, officials in this regard were not willing to discuss the issue with Middle East Press, but Abdul Jabar Safi, head of the Union of Afghan craftsmen wrote on his social page, “Based on the decision of the Supreme Economic Council, AISA is abolished.”

Safi said after the repeal, AISA’s responsibilities can be delegated to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

The decision can be negative that would reduce investment and leave a large number of youth jobless in the country.

Several of AISA employees who did not want to be named, also confirmed the report but refused to provide details.

Meanwhile, AISA officials have not commented on the decision so far.

This comes as before the founding of AISA in 1382, issuing work permits investment and to address the problems of investors was led by the Ministry of Commerce.



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