Afghanistan Still Suffers From Terrorism

150926145013_abdullah_un_640x360_bbc_nocreditKABUL: (Middle East Press) The people of Afghanistan are the victims of indiscriminate terrorism and people still suffer from terrorism.

Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with the above expression in the UN General Assembly, called on Pakistan to act on its commitment to fight against the rebels.

He added, the Afghan people are also seeking solutions to be saved from the insurgency in the country.

Abdullah pointed to Pakistan, reiterated that insurgents bases are in Pakistan and terrorists with the support of the ISI continue to create challenges in Afghanistan.

According to source, the Haqqani Network is a large group of insurgents and it should be destroyed and based on a bilateral solution between Afghanistan and Pakistan with the cooperation of the international community to eliminate terrorism so they people of Afghanistan does not sacrifice anymore.

In another part of his speech, Abdullah said the government of Afghanistan is ready to determine in bringing reform to the international community for practical measures.

Abdullah said, that Afghanistan needs international support and this support must be based on a clear plan.

His remarks come as the insurgents have occupied Kunduz province in northern country.


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