Afghan Government is Carrying Forward the Proxy War of America and NATO in the Region!

ufa 1KABUL: (Middle East Press) Afghan president Mohammad Ashraf Ghani while addressing the BRICS members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at Ufa, Russia said, “Many terrorists from your countries come to Afghanistan and use our land to launch attacks against you, but we on your behalf are fighting against them”. He made it clear that “in order to uproot this mutual threat, it is important to join hands together against it”. At the end of his speech, President Ghani reaffirmed that “Afghanistan should be the center of cooperation between different countries and not their rivalries and a land they use against one another”.

Indeed by saying all this, the Afghan president tried to conceal the major proxy wars occurring between different global colonialist powers in Afghanistan and tried to alter the political realities on the ground.

It is evident that Afghanistan is a hotbed for the proxy wars of the regional countries as well as the global colonialist powers and the president himself is carrying the war and interests of the US and pushing NATO forward in Afghanistan and in the region.

The US and NATO war against “terrorism” that actually is a war against Islam, the exploitation of this region for their own malicious motives, the brutal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, the strategic and security pacts, and creating a rift between Muslims under different pretexts, are what US want.

In order to get the support of other regional countries U.S. is trying to involve them by extending this threat to other areas as well.

The president so far is undertaking his duty of subservience very efficiently by bringing other countries on board against “Islamic extremism/terrorism”, which is a US orchestrated plan and want others to join hands with US in this war.


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