Afghan-British Citizens Hold Rally Against Pakistan’s Intervention In Afghanistan

13940630000573_PhotoIKABUL: (Middle East Press) Hundreds of Afghan-British Citizens have held a peaceful demonstration in front of Pakistan High Commission in London to protest against Pakistan’s interference in Afghan affairs on Sunday.

The protest was attended by British Afghan community groups, student associations, youth networks, civil society activists, renowned Afghan scholars, poets and writers who expressed anger over to the recent escalation of violence including a wave of suicide attacks in Kabul that left dozens of civilians killed and hundreds of others wounded.

Protesters said that Taliban, Haqqani Network and other terrorist groups in Pakistan are carrying out attacks in Afghanistan that claim the lives of innocent civilians including children and women and as well as foreign aid workers and Afghan and international security forces.

Protesters warned that the fire which is currently burning Afghanistan would eventually reach to Lahore and Islamabad.

“The aim of the protest is to raise our voice against the killing of innocent Afghan brethren and tell the perpetrators to stop their murderous campaigns. Recent spate of suicide attacks such as the ones in Kabul that took the life of hundreds of innocent Afghans is no more bearable”, said Ahmad Farid Mall, from Afghan Association Paiwand and a participant of the demonstration.

Rahela Siddiqui, Refugee Woman for Woman, said “It’s now clear to the world that Pakistan is the nest of terrorism. Pakistan military and intelligence agencies provided safe havens for Osama Ben-Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mullah Omar, Haqqani Network leaders who were responsible for September 11 attacks, 7/7 London bombings and numerous other major attacks around the world. The world cannot afford to stand by and watch Pakistan go about its own business. It must take stringent action against Pakistan to stop the export of terrorism”.

“Though the two-faced military regime in Pakistan pledged support in the fight against terrorism, they covertly provided Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries inside Pakistan and supported them to regroup and launch a murderous campaign in Afghanistan”, said Awesta Telyar Azada, a UK based woman rights and civil society activist, insisting that: “The UN security council should consider declaring Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism.”

The protesters demanded Pakistan to immediately put an end to its destructive policies in Afghanistan.

Demonstrators ultimately submitted their resolution to Pakistan High Commission and demanded that terrorist sanctuaries must be eliminated in Pakistan.


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