Afghan Army Kills 160 Taliban Rebels In Past 24 Hrs

3G3C6911KABUL: (Middle East Press) Afghan security forces and Afghan National police have jointly launched military operations in 9 provinces of the country in which at least 160 Taliban insurgents were killed in past 24 hours, Ministry of Interior announced on Monday.

The Ministry of Interior issued a statement states that the operations were conducted in Kunduz, Jowzjan, Uruzgan, Kandahar, Khost, Paktika, Herat, Farah and Helmand province.

As a result 160 insurgents were killed, 69 injured, and some 10 other insurgents arrested, the statement added.

Afghan security forces have also seized and disabled 129 rounds of mines during the operations.

Also Afghan National Police prevented from 16 mine blasts in various parts of Kandahar, Khost, Ghazni and Paktika provinces.


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