A Group Of Haqqani Network Terrorists Arrested In Kabul: NDS

ddf9c10c93a7ef269b97c858cda092a1_XLKABUL: (Middle East Press) A group of 30 members of Haqqani terrorist network have been arrested by the National Directorate of security (NDS) – Afghanistan’s intelligence agency during special operations in capital Kabul on Monday.

A statement issued by NDS states that these terrorists were involved in recent deadly attacks in Kabul that have killed and injured more than hundreds of people.

The statement adds that two of these attacks were carried out in Shah Shaheed and Fourth Macroryan areas and the two others were carried out on Hamid Karzai International Airport and Parliament House.

The detained terrorists include Qari Janan the Peshwar Shura designated governor of Kabul’s Deh Sabz District and some his companions.

They also include some commanders from Haqqani terrorist network identified as Israr Ahmad, Malik and Mustafa who implemented one attack on Hamid Karzai International Airport and two others in Shah Shaheed and Fourth Macroryan areas.

According to NDS statement these terrorists were working on carrying out 13 more attacks in Kabul to target the Presidential Palace, NDS compound in Shash Darak area, Ministry of Defense, U.S. Embassy, Police headquarters, Parliament House and Khatam-un-Nabiyeen University.

The Press Release further states that last week NDS seized 13 tons of explosive materials in two trucks in Paktika province. According to the statement these trucks were made ready to cross into central provinces for explosions.


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