Quds TV Removed From TurkSat

MEP: Today a rumor that spread these days in Turkey has been realized and Quds TV was removed from TurkSat. Two days ago I heard some rumors that this was stated by presidential palace and president direct order.

They removed the network because Quds TV supported Hashd al-Shaabi in the last month.

After the beginning of Mosul operation, Quds TV network choose moderate policy in order to took off sedition and put all its efforts to show the reality of war in Iraq. The main topics of the Quds TV news was about public supports of Hashd al-Shaabi, Iraqi people give thanks to every religion in this organ, Iraqi army monitor these forces and its legality, the war in Iraq isn’t about religion and Shiite, Sunni and Christian unity in Popular Mobilization Units. Erdogan could not stand the idea.

It is interesting that, Quds TV never give unconditional support to President Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s case. Quds TV pointed out that Bashar al-Assad is elected by Syrian people and now is fighting terrorism. And Quds TV support the legitimate government of Syria.

Quds TV has undertaken Proximity of Islamic Schools policy and trying to avoid any religious persecution while it was on the air. This policy was extremely successful. The channel could bring Turkish Shiite and Sunni and even Arab world to an understanding on Jerusalem case.

During coup d’état in Turkey Nureddin Shirin, director of the network, was the main targets of the conductors of the coup. There is no doubt if coup attempt was successful, Nureddin would be executed or sentenced to life imprisonment. In the past few years, newspapers which support Gülen movement attacked Shirin and his TV channel. Shirin never stop supporting the legitimate government of Turkey.

The actions of Turkish government show some points:

The government could not tolerate objection or even different idea. And the media will be strictly suppressed.

The Turkish government could not stand any debate between Quds TV and the Islamic Resistance Front in the country.

Now that suppressing coup conductors is almost completed, the government starts to suppress all opponents who were the targets of the coup.

The Turkish government intends to make the Resistance and its factors nervous, because want to have an excuse to suppress resistance which respects law and custom in Turkey.

Erdogan is serious about showing Hashd al-Shaabi as a terrorist group. Erdogan is now paying for its support of terrorist and takfiri groups so he decided to give charges on other countries. He tries to show Hashd al-Shaabi as a terrorist group and then stress the support of Iran and Soleimani commander of the national forces in Iraq and conclude that he supported Sunni Takfiri terrorists because Iran advocated Shiite Takfiri.

Erdogan was disappointed in making Iran nervous during Mosul operation. He now tries to put under pressure that wants to revive diplomatic ties with Iran and leads Iran to do neurological unconventional actions.

With all these actions, one thing is certain: Erdogan strictly feels weak and realize that making Iran nervous is not effective. He plans to take his revenge of Islamic Revolution discourse personnel in Turkey.


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