80 Passengers Rescued By Afghan Police

KABUL: (MEP) The Afghan National Police have rescued 80 people who were kidnapped by the Taliban militant group in the country’s northwest faryab, according to reports.

The militants stopped two buses with civilians onboard, proceeding to kidnap them. The police forces launched an operation immediately after the incident.

A statement added that the passengers were kidnapped by Taliban militants around 5:00 pm local time from Maimana-Andkhoi highway in Qaramqol district.

The Taliban militants took six hostages with them, releasing four of them later. the group currently holds two people hostage local officials said.

Afghanistan is in the state of political and social turmoil, with long-standing Taliban insurgency operating in the country as well as other extremist group, such as Islamic State — outlawed in many countries, including the United States and Russia.


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