30 Southern Villages Liberated By Afghan Forces

KABUL: (MEP) The Afghan army has cleaned over 30 villages from the militants in the southern Kandahar province, local media reported.

afghan-forcesKABUL: (MEP) The Afghan army has cleaned over 30 villages from the militants in the southern Kandahar province, local media reported.

The military operation in the province was launched 20 days ago, and at least 30 militants had been killed and another 18 wounded, local government spokesman Samim Khpalwak was quoted on Sunday.

He added that the notorious Taliban insurgents were expelled from the area, including their permanent hideouts there.

The operation was complex and involved the Afghan National Army, as well as police, civil order police and the National Directorate of Security (NDS), another official from the military told the agency.

Afghanistan is in political and social confusion, with long-standing Taliban insurgency and other extremist factions operating in the country, such as ISIS, which is outlawed in Russia and many other countries, taking advantage of the instability in the state.

Afghan security forces regularly conduct military operations against insurgents.


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