29More Schoolgirls Poisoned In Herat

schoolgirlsKABUL: (Middle East Press) For the sixth times in less than 10 days students in western Herat province have been poisoned after getting breathing problems at school, officials said Tuesday.

The incident took place after at least 29 more schoolgirls from Khatamun Nabiyeen School were rushed to civil hospital in Guzara District, Amrullah Amani, Head of Guzara’s civil hospital said.

These girls were alright up until arriving at school. But after entering to the school they fall sick.

He said most of them were returned after receiving medical care.

More than 500 students from different schools have been poisoned in Herat province during the past week.

Meanwhile, police officials are still investigating the incidents but so far no information has been released regarding the incident.


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