10 Afghan Police killed By Taliban In Helmand

afghanistan-620x400KABUL: (MEP) According to the officials on Wednesday at least ten Afghan policemen were killed when Taliban militants attacked their checkpoints in southern Helmand province.

Governor of the district said, he attack occurred on Tuesday night and in the morning of the following day in Deh Adam Khan area of Gereshk and Eight more security forces were injured in it.

Afghan security forces also inflicted casualties on insurgents, but provided no exact figure, According to the officials.

A strategic province that borders Pakistan, Helmand has become focus of Taliban who have stepped up their attacks taking advantage of international troops’ withdrawal in 2014.

On Wednesday, militants stormed Pakistani consulate in Afghanistan’s eastern Jalalabad city including in the form of suicide bombing and gunfire. The attack was a reminder of another on Indian consulate in northern Mazar-i-Sharif nearly 10 days ago.


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